If YOU have ANY information on the village of Stroat
PLEASE contact the blog owner as soon as possible
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Material on this blog has been gathered from material which is readily available in the public domain or has been generously provided by both named & un-named individuals.

The information has been aggregated on this blog to help residents, visitors and members of the public seeking information.

We hope you find the information of help and hope if you are aware of facts we have missed out that you will consider sending the details to the blog for inclusion.

We would really appreciate it if you have ANY relevant old photographs, anecdotes or history pertaining to Stroat which you would be prepared to share.

Thank you to all who have helped so far.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Rubbish Collection in Stroat & The Forest of Dean

If YOU have ANY information on the village of Stroat 
PLEASE contact the blog owner as soon as possible 
for it to be added.

residents of Stroat & The FoD at large will have noted the new stealth tax levied in the disposal of their rubbish, largely to comply with idiotic regulations from our undemocratic Lords & Masters of the centralised unelected EU Commission.

The stealth tax comes in two forms - firstly the new tax of initially £25pa of removing garden waste which was until now all part of the service and also the realisation that the £1,000,000 or so cost of introducing the new collection system will obviously be paid for by taking money off other services provided!
The overall costs of the new scheme, plus an idea of the longevity of the bins themselves. Assistant legal executive to the council, Tracey Griffiths replied:
“The costs for the purchase of new bins and caddies is:

•£677,075 (for 36,000 x 240ltr refuse wheeled bins, 1,000 x smaller 140ltr refuse wheeled bins and 100 x 1,100ltr bins (for communal areas).

•£157,680 (for 36,500 x 7ltr internal kitchen caddies, 23ltr external kitchen caddies and a roll of compostable liners.)

•Total cost of bins, caddies and liners: £834,755

•Cost of communicating with the public. Includes design, photography and production of all leaflets, calendars, address stickers, mailing costs, roadshow costs, canvassing, vehicle livery, advertising (radio, press, cinema and ad van). Funded by Forest of Dean District Council and Gloucestershire Coun­ty Council. £91,705.”

Which brings a round total of some £926,460 for the hardware and publicity alone. On the subject of the bin trucks themselves, the reply to the FOI request states that: “The new refuse and recycling vehicles have been procured by Biffa as part of our on-going waste collection contract so I cannot tell you exactly how much the lorries have cost.

“I can confirm that the overall cost of waste collection, through this and other changes, is expected to fall by £520,000 in 2012/13.”

As to the longevity of the bins themselves, Ms Griffiths wrote: “The refuse bins have a guarantee period of 10-year so we are spreading the cost of them over their useful life. We have many thousands of garden wheeled bins which have been in use for some nine years now and these are still in good order so we would expect the refuse bins to fare similarly well.”

She did not, however, detail how many owners of garden wheelie bins had bought a ‘licence’ for their bins.

• The Forest of Dean District Council annual accounts are available now for inspection, reading and copying. They can be viewed at the Council Offices in Coleford until July 26 between 9 am and 4.45pm (Monday to Thursday) and 9 am to 4.30 (Friday).

• In addition, from July 27 until the conclusion of the audit process, a local government elector for the area of the council, or his/her representative, can ask the auditor questions about the accounts. But the auditor requires questioners to contact him in advance. Similarly, electors can also object to the accounts but, again, the auditor (and in this instance the Finance and Property Department of the Council) needs written notice of a proposed objection. Full details can be found at the FODDC website, www. fdean. gov.uk

To view the whole article in 'The Forest of Dean & Wye Valley Review' CLICK HERE

Congratulations to a fellow UKIP supporter Colin Guyton of Ruardean whose FoI brought forward these responses from The Council.

What the article fails to show is the revenue generated for now charging rate payers for extra services previously supplied as part of their Council Tax rubbish disposal.

So this is very clearly a Council TAX rise so redolent of the stealth taxes of recent years!

Many are warning of yet more 'fly tipping' as a likely result of this new move - As for the confusion of which bins and what days that is adding to the lives of many busy trying to keep pace with the many other useless diktats spewing out of The EU on a propaganda budget running to £Billions each year and costing Britain £50Million a day with absolutely no commensurate gain! 

The Forest of Dean's costly hike in rubbish disposal is just the tip of the iceberg!

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337

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1 comment:

  1. great post ...
    thanks for posting it
